Cheryl O., 68 years old

Cheryl O., 68 years old


I would like to throw a big "Thank You!" out there to Adam Erwin for all his help. When I first started working with Adam, my fibromyalgia and bone cancer was so painful that working out at the gym was impossible! I was seriously considering surgery to repair my right shoulder, and walking made my knees and hips hurt so bad that I wasn't able to do much of that either. I had a hard time getting out of bed in the morning!

Adam has turned that all around! My energy is back, the daily fatigue is gone, my shoulder has healed, my knees are pain-free, and I enjoy eating healthy!!! So, if you are looking at life with pain and fatigue, give Adam a call and give him a chance to turn your life around! You have nothing to lose but the pain!

Brynne Turner