27 Factors Affecting Fat Loss

Fat-based Weight Loss Comes Down to How You Manage These 27 Factors

Fat-loss is not a one-trick pony.  There is not just one thing to do to burn fat.  Sometimes fat seems to just fall off.  Other times it sticks stubbornly to your mid-section.  If you are stuck with those tough-to-lose fat lbs., take inventory of how you are managing these fat-loss factors.

Factor Affecting Fat Loss #27:  Your Caloric Intake Times

Many people in America backload their calories.  They eat the most amount of food when their body can handle it least effectively.  We need to front-load our calories instead of back-loading them.  Our digestive enzyems and metabolism digest food and use it as fuel more effectively in the morning.  Put most of your calories in the first half of your day and go easy on the last half.

Factor Affecting Fat Loss #12:  Sleep

When we sleep long enough (8 hours isn't the magic number for everyone), our hormones are more in tune, our digestive abilities are improved, and our appetite is more likely to be under control (our bodies translate lack of sleep/repair as a call for more nutrients...which means more food!).  When we catch up on our sleep, we can burn fuel more effectively, keep our belly-fat-producing hormones at bay (cortisol), and eat less.

Factor Affecting Fat Loss #3: A Cleanse

When was the last time you did a cleanse?  Not just colon or liver or blood, any cleanse at all.  We have so much garbage trapped and stored away in our body...it's not even funny.  In my online boot camp program, we do a cleanse during week one.  The feedback I receive is amazing.  I can't believe how flat my stomach is now."  "I have so much more energy!"  "My aches and pains have disappeared!"

It is amazing what a good cleanse will do for you!

If you want to know more about the 27 factors affecting fat loss, please visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com and send an email to me, personal trainer Adam Erwin.  I'd love to equip you with some tools to help you lose fat!

Adam Erwin is a personal trainer based in Minneapolis, MN.  He travels to cities like St. Louis, San Diego, Miami, and Sydney, Australia to help people get in the best shape of their life.  To learn more about Adam's work, click to www.keepyourbetterhalf.com.

Compounding Fat Loss, Weight Loss, and Body Change

Minneapolis Personal Trainer on How to Make Each Day Count

I have been running an online boot camp for the past 10 days, and the results are incredible!   The reason the results are incredible is because the people doing the boot camp are following the grocery list and menu I have given them for each week, plus are hitting their marks with exercise and other things.  Due to the consistency of hitting the mark, we had people lose 8, 9, 10, 13, and even 15 lbs in the first week!  Those are not average results....but they should be! (Go to www.rapidresultsfitnessmn.com/virtualbootcamp.html)

Here is where the average person on the average program falls short....

Weight Loss and the Power of Compounding

The power of compounding is the most important law in the universe.  The idea is that decisions can stack up on each other in an extreme way for the positive or the negative, depending on the quality of the decisions.  Consider a credit card.  When we charge a lot on a card and then make the minimum payment month after month (several bad decisions!), the balance grows of out control.  Credit card bills can compound against us very quickly.  When we eat the right food at the right time, do the right exercise at the right time, and continue to hit exercise and nutrition marks for 7 days in a row, our body can lose 8, 10, 13 lbs! 

Most people fall short in the exercise and nutrition because they do not fully realize the power of compounding!  Do the right things, hit the mark consistently, and the body will respond in a major way!  Don't cheat on foods, just stack great decisions on top of one another!  Make each day count by making more right decisions than the day before!


I am blown away at how many fat "weight loss gurus" hang around the gym.  If you know so much, why do you look so bad?  A big part of it is that people who think they know it all really don't know very much.  

It seems as though some folks have such an ego that they choose to close themselves off to new ideas or discount a new way of doing an old exercise because they didn't think of the idea.  How silly.  I pick up new ideas and tips all the time!  Part of know-how is to know how to receive new information or how to be reminded of old information that hasn't been applied for awhile.  Developing know-how is a constant process.  If we aren't picking up new ideas at the gym, it is quite possible we are turning a blind eye to the know-how around us!

Make your day count and improve your body by being developing your know-how.

Willingness to Try Something New

One of the biggest challenges I have with people is that they have their "routine" that works.  Unless someone has a big event coming up that they are training for, there is no harm in trying something new.  The first installment of my online boot camp is four weeks long.  Four weeks is 8% of the calendar year.  I find myself saying to people, "Look, I'm asking you to try something a little different for 8% of your year.  For the other 92%, do whatever you like.  But for this 8%, open up to the possibility that there may be some value here!"  It is amazing how set in ours ways we can become!

Try something new today and see how your body responds! 

Adam Erwin is a Minneapolis-based personal trainer who is helping people lose weight, burn fat, gain muscle, and experience the best exercise and nutrition month of their life with his “Virtual Boot Camp!”  When not leading people through his online boot camp, Adam travels around to Eden Praire, Minnetonka, Edina, Medina, Wayzata, and Chanhassen to work one-on-one as the in-home personal trainer.  To learn more about what Adam does and how he can help you, visit www.rapidresultsfitnessmn.com today!

Weight Loss Boot Camp Success Stories

Minneapolis-Based Personal Trainer Burning the Fat With Successful Boot Camp

I couldn't believe it when the results were tallied last night.  After just one week of boot camp, men were posting weight loss totals of 9 lbs, 15 lbs, 7 lbs, 6 lbs.  Women were posting totals of 7 lbs, 6 lbs, 13 lbs, 4lbs.  Of the twenty-plus participants in first week of the first ever run of the Virtual Boot Camp, the majority of participants were down 5 lbs or more!  The 15 lbs loss blew me away!

I don't have much time to expound on the details of the boot camp because I am working hard on all the materials for weeks 2, 3, and 4.  Please visit www.rapidresultsfitnessmn.com/virtualbootcamp.html to get all the details!

We have a few spots open for our next launch, set to start on January 29th!  Sign up online today!

Boot Camp: Best Thing I've Ever Done!

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Gives Back More Than He Ever Has Before!

It has been a few days since my last blog.  However, on the upside, I have been hard at work with a new project and new blog.  I am leading a group of participants through the best thing I have ever done: the Virtual Boot Camp!

Virtual Boot Camp Launched!

At the end of 2008, I sat down to reflect on my personal training business.  I wrote down some questions, and one jumped off the page.  I asked myself, "what is the biggest problem in your business and how can you fix it?"  Answer: I want everyone to get the best of my services and only a select few can afford them.  I need to be able to offer more to everyone across the financial spectrum.

After much creative thought, I came up with the Virtual Boot Camp!  It is the same program I offer my premium clients, without my physical presence!

Want to Experience Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, and a Killer Boot Camp?

There are two places you must visit to learn about the Virtual Boot Camp.  You must go to www. rapidresultsfitnessmn.com/virtualbootcamp.html to see what is cooking there.  Also, you must visit virtualbootcamp.wordpress.com to get a sneak peak inside the program.  I will be making the Word Press Virtual Boot Camp blog private in a few days...so access it while you can!

That's all for now....I have a lot of emails to answer!

Adam Erwin is a Minneapolis-based personal trainer who is helping people lose weight, burn fat, gain muscle, and experience the best exercise and nutrition month of their life with his "Virtual Boot Camp!"  When not leading people through his online boot camp, Adam travels around to Eden Praire, Minnetonka, Edina, Medina, Wayzata, and Chanhassen to work one-on-one as the in-home personal trainer.  To learn more about what Adam does and how he can help you, visit www.rapidresultsfitnessmn.com today!

Weight Loss Virtual Boot Camp: Diet and Exercise Plan to Lose Weight!

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Launches His Successful Boot Camp in Cost-Effective Online Format

"I worked with a personal trainer three days a week for eight consecutive months and only lost three lbs. After parting ways with my trainer's ineffective program, I signed up for Adam's boot camp and lost 13 lbs. in the first 14 days! My wife couldn't believe the change!

Anyone serious about turning around their body quickly needs to try Adam's Total Body Makeover Virtual Boot Camp!  Your body will thank you!"

-Steve Giles, St. Paul, MN



Personal trainers and boot camps across the nation are about to disappoint!  Challenging exercise is great, but for most people exercise is less than 5% of the day.  What about the other 95% of your day that most tainers and boot camps don't address?  What do I eat for breakfast?  What should my snacks look like?  What supplements should I take, if any?  The Virtual Boot Camp helps you tackle every element of your day! 

Virtual Boot Camp: The Perfect Month!

The Virtual Boot Camp walks each participant through 28 days of every single calorie they will consume, 28 days of workouts, and it even guides you through a gentle cleanse!  Imagine giving your body 28 consecutive days of perfect nutrition and exercise!  Are you ready to lose those 15 lbs. you haven't been able to shake?  Or maybe even lose 20-25 lbs, if you ace the program!

Read enough?  Go to www.rapidresultsfitnessmn.com/virtualbootcamp.html to sign up today!

Virtual Boot Camp: Stunning Weight Loss and Body Composition Progress!

Imagine fitting into those jeans that you have kept only because they remind you of a skinnier time!  With the Virtual Boot Camp, you address those pesky mid-section pounds, the sagging arms, and overgrown backside.  When your body gets what it needs when it needs it, amazing results follow!  My clients have lost pant sizes, entire belts, and made tighter fitting clothes look good after participating in the boot camp!

Read enough? Go to www.rapidresultsfitnessmn.com/virtualbootcamp.html to sign up now!

Virtual Boot Camp: Carefully Chosen Foods and Supplements!

Most people understand how important it is to consume protein after a workout.  Few people understand how ineffective eating protein can be (chicken, turkey, steak) versus drinking a protein shake.  Fewer still know that whey protein is the way to go, and that goat whey is more absorbable than anything else on the planet (plus it's cost-effective!). 

When it is meal time, should there be lots of carbs, lots of protein, and how many calories?  I have prepared everything for you.  All you need to do is follow the plan!  Each meal and snack is carefully thought out.  You simply buy the cookbook (I didn't write it, I don't make any money when someone buys it....I just like it!) and execute the meal plan as I've drawn it up!

Also, doctors acknowledge that everyone should take a mutlivitamin.  Most doctors think all multivitamins are the same.  This couldn't be further from the truth!  Finding a multi that is cost-effective and effective in your body is not an easy task!  I have searched high and low for the best buy for my clients and found one for $19.99 that is clinically proven to absorb better than anything else on the market! 

Ready to sign up?  Go to www.rapidresultsfitnessmn.com/virtualbootcamp.html now!

Virtual Boot Camp: Your Success Story Awaits!

 The Virtual Boot Camp has the following start dates: January 15th, February 12th, March 12th, and April 9th.  You are a few clicks away from beginning the best month of your exercise and nutritional life!  What will you look like after your 28 days of perfection?

Adam Erwin is a personal trainer and the founder of Rapid Results Fitness.  He creates body changing and life-changing boot camp experiences for his clients that address weight loss and major health issues (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.).  Adam resides in Minneapolis, spending much of his personal training time in Eden Prairie, Edina, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Excelsior, Chanhassen, and Medina.  He also enjoys bringing his boot camp experience cities such as San Diego, Miami, Phoenix, and Sydney, Australia!  To learn more about how to bring body change to your life, visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com!

New Year's Resolution: I Want to Lose Weight

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Tells How to Succeed with New Year's Resolution of Weight Loss

Happy New Year!  I'll bet that you found this blog because you are looking to lose weight in 2009.  Most people do not succeed with their weight loss resolutions, but if your search for answersand ideas brought you here, you most be serious about looking and feeling your best in 2009!  I'm here to help!

Reading today's blog provides you with three specific benefits: 1) get 3 ideas that will help you with your weight loss resolution, 2) learn how to get my $100 virtual boot camp for free, 3) learn how to get "The 27 Factors Affecting Fat Loss and Weight Loss" for free!

If you are serious about losing weight in 2009, here are the three most important things I can tell you about successfully losing weight...

New Year's Resolution Weight Loss Tip #1: Don't Lose Weight

Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, LA Weight Loss, and most other programs try to convince you that weight loss is the ticket.  If weight loss is the ticket, how come the weight keeps coming back?  Because weight loss is not the ticket.  When people focus on weight loss, they end up burning up their body's ability to burn calories and kill their metabolism as a result! 

Fat loss is the answer.  By focusing on losing fat (which is what I help all my clients to do, and can help you to do for $100 or free.....email me at adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com to find out how to do it for free!), I help clients lose fat weight instead of muscle weight, help them increase their metabolism instead of slow it down, and help them keep their new body instead of watching it slip away.

It is not about how much we weigh, it's about how much fat weight we have.  Don't lose weight in 2009, lose fat weight!

New Year's Resolution Weight Loss Tip #2: Start it the Right Way!

Are you tired and sluggish as you go through your day?  Are you stressed out and irritable?  Are you locked into cravings that help make you fat?  If so, you are like most of us in the United States!

Most of us have a severely damaged body.  We are filled with fat cells that don't burn calories!  We are filled with toxins and organisms that make progress more difficult for our body.  We have stressed our organ, digestive, and nervous systems so much that they are worn down and not functioning the way they were designed to function.

The first step for anyone wanting to lose weight is to clean the body out and get it ready to live again.  Doing a cleanse helps the body function correctly, makes fat loss (and weight loss!) progress happen more quickly, and helps us to have abundant energy!  If you want to lose weight and do it the right way, the first step is to do a cleanse.  And there are thousands of cleanses you could do by yourself, or....

Join me for the 2009 Total Body Makeover Virtual Boot Camp (www.keepyourbetterhalf.com).  We start January 15th.  We walk you through a gentle and body-changing cleanse.  You can join me as I help you and others around the world for $100 or do it for free (again, send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com to find out how to do it for free!)

New Year's Resolution Weight Loss Tip #3: Focus Some on Exercise, Focus Mostly on Foods and Life Changes!

For most people, exercise makes up less that 5% of our day.  Mastering exercise is a nice step for fat loss and weight loss, but taking care of the other 95% of our day is going to impact weight loss a lot more than the 5% of our day spent on exercising.  Mastering our daily intake of food is more important than anything else we can do to change your body.  Eating the right foods at the right times will do more for us than exercise ever could (exercise is tremendously important, don't get me wrong, but it's just 5% of our day).

For this reason, the 2009 Total Body Makeover Virutal Boot Camp (www.keepyourbetterhalf.com) has a food focus.  In fact, for 28 days you will know exactly what you need to eat.  No guessing, just a concrete plan full of foods you probably already enjoy...just put in the right order and in the right amounts!

To learn more about how to position your body for fat loss and weight loss, send me an email (adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com) and ask for a free copy of "The 27 Factors Affecting Fat Loss and Weight Loss!" 

Lose Weight in 2009 Successfully: Make Your Resolution a Reality!

Don't leave your weight loss to chance in 2009!  Join the 2009 Total Body Makeover Virtual Boot Camp experience or find out how to hire me personally (www.keepyourbetterhalf.com).  Make your resolution a guarantee today!

Adam Erwin is a personal trainer and the founder of Rapid Results Fitness.  He creates body changing and life-changing boot camp experiences for his clients that address weight loss and major health issues (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.).  Adam resides in Minneapolis, spending much of his personal training time in Eden Prairie, Edina, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Excelsior, Chanhassen, and Medina.  He also enjoys bringing his boot camp experience cities such as San Diego, Miami, Phoenix, and Sydney, Australia!  To learn more about how to bring body change to your life, visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com!

How Do I Use My New Exercise Ball/Resistance Band/Set of Dumbbells/Home Gym/Treadmill?

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Helps You Use Your Fitness Christmas Present


2009 UPDATE!!!

Before you read this blog, there are two important updates to share:

1) Join us for the 2009 Total Body Makeover Virtual Boot Camp, starting January 15th. Go to www.keepyourbetterhalf.com for more details, and send email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf .com to learn how to do the boot camp for free!

2) If you would like the free report "The 27 Factors Affecting Fat Loss and Weight Loss", send me an email and I'll get the report to you!

Now, back to the blog...


It's the day after Christmas and everyone who got a piece of exercise equipment is trying to figure out how to use it.  This is why I am a personal trainer!  I help people maximize their use of their new equipment.  So, if you have a certain piece of equipment you would like me to blog about, send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com and I will gladly expound on your new piece of hardware.

Without knowing which fitness equipment you received for Christmas, I will provide a few pieces of uncommon knowledge that will help you right away in your quest for advancing your health and fitness.

New Exercise Equipment Tip #1: Always Warm Up, Then Stretch, Then Workout!

Most people do not give the warm up and cool down their due.  Warming up is extremely important!  As a Minneapolis resident, I have to warm up my car every time I want to drive somewhere in the winter.  It is crucial for my brakes, engine, and belts to warm up before asking my car to get me around town in the winter.  Our bodies need to warm up as well, regardless of season.

A 3-5 minute warm up on a treadmill (or even walking up and down the stairs at home) is a crucial starting point.  Then stretch each muscle group you intend to work, then pursue warm up sets for your workout.  The more thoroughly you warm up, the better you will perform and the less likely your chances of getting injured.

New Exercise Equipment Tip #2: Focus on Your Breathing!

Breathing is a big deal.  There are three main benfits to breathing correctly during exercise: our performance improves, our blood pressure is lower (than if we breathed at the wrong times), and our recovery is improved.  Here is the basic idea on breathing during weight/resistance training: exhale when you are doing the most work. 

When we are performing a bicep curl, it is more work to curl the dumbbell or resistance band up than it is to lower it.  Therefore, exhale as you curl the weight up.  When performing a squat, it is more work to raise up to a standing position....so exhale on the way up.  If you exhale when you are doing the most work and inhale when you are doing the easiest work, you will trigger the benefits mentioned above.

New Exercise Equipment Tip #3: Focus On Holds, Not Just Reps

The best way to maximize any piece of equipment is to ask your body to hold still in a position that  is challenging to hold.  For example, if you are performing squats, holding in a low squat position for 10 seconds is a killer.  Or holding a bicep curl with your elbow bent at a 90 degree angle is very tough. 

I ask my clients to perform a 10-second hold on the 5th, 10th, and 15th rep of every set.  It is very challenging!  Try it during your next workout!

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sydney Australia) to work with you.

What Do I Get My Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Fiance for Christmas?

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Chimes in on Unique Gift Ideas for Last Minute Holiday Shoppers


2009 UPDATE!!!

Before you read this blog, there are two things you need to know:

1) Open enrollment has begun for the Virtual Boot Camp: Total Body Makeover!   Get 28 days of perfect nutrition and exercise (complete with a grocery list, access to videos, and more!) for only $100 (NOTE: This is the very package I charge thousands for...the only thing you are missing is my physical presence!).  Enrollment ends on January 10th, so click to http://keepyourbetterhalf.com/virtualbootcamp.html now!

2) If you would like the free report "The 27 Factors Affecting Fat Loss and Weight Loss", send me an email and I'll get the report to you!

Now, back to the blog...


It is crunch time for Christmas shoppers.  In a mad scamper for last-minute deals, few of us land the creative and unique gift that best suits our boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance.  This blog post is written for couples who have been dating for awhile and are allowed to talk about weight, fat, and body change issues.  For those of you who know how to say, "I love you so much and know how much you want to fit into those jeans again" instead of making it sound like, "your fat butt needs more exercise and less ice cream!", here are a few ideas....

Unique Christmas Gift Idea for the Couple On a Budget:  2009 Total Body Makeover Virtual Boot Camp

For the past few months I've been working with couples to give them the best exercise and nutrition month of their entire lives!  The results have been staggering: 15 lbs. lost in a month, 12 lbs. lost in two weeks, 9 lbs. of muscles added in 30 days!  Reserve a spot for you and your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance today for the 2009 Total Body Makeover Virtual Boot Camp!  Starting January 15th, I will walk you through a very gentle body cleanse, four weeks of every single calorie to consume, and exercises designed to burn more fat and tone more muscle in less time.  Check out the details at www.keepyourbetterhalf.com or send email (adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com) to reserve your spot today! 

Unique Last-Minute Christmas Gift Idea for Vacation-Minded Couples: Destination Body Sculpt Boot Camp

It's 9am.  You and your spouse are on the beach smelling the ocean air, feeling the soft sand underneath your feet, and working on losing 10 lbs. in seven days.  Thanks to a destination body sculpt boot camp, you are eating wonderful meals, enjoying the sand and sun, and feeling the best you have felt in a long, long time.  Where can you sign up for a destination body sculpt boot camp? www.keepyourbetterhalf.com

Maybe you want to shed fat while you hit the slopes.  Perhaps you want to visit Australia or the Bahamas.  Or maybe you want a boot camp to come to your home so you can get ready for the wedding.  Wherever you want your body change and your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance's body change to take place, send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com to start a dialogue about leaving for vacation wearing one size of pants and coming home in a smaller size.

Unique Last-Minute Christmas Gift Idea for Him: Kettlebells and Training DVD

If your man is looking to shed some weight, find his lost energy, and burn calories like he never has before, picking up some kettlebells will do the trick.  Kettlebells are like cannon balls with a handle.  They originated in Russia, and are gaining traction in America as an amazing way to change your body. 

While you can buy kettlebells anywhere (and better to buy a 25 lb KB at a sports store instead of buying it online and paying a boatload for shipping),  you must stop by www.dragondoor.com to find the very best in kettlebell training DVDs.  You will need them.  If you want some help on getting kettlebells, send me an email (adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com).  I would be glad to help.

Unique Last-Minute Christmas Gift Idea for Her: Leg Magic

Every once in awhile I get to sample a fitness machine.  Two weeks ago I tried Leg Magic...and it is awesome!  Leg Magic works inner thighs, hips, and butt.  It hits many trouble spots for women.  Go to www.buylegmagic.com to check it out.

NOTE: Before letting your significant other open this gift, have her open a new pair of jeans that is two sizes too small for her....then have her open the Leg Magic.  Instead of her asking, "Do you think I'm fat?", she will be saying "I can't wait to fit into these!" :)

Unique Last-Minute Christmas Gift Idea for the Seasoned Couple: Lower Cholesterol, Lower Blood Pressure, Increased Energy

There are a handful of supplements that are highly effective in lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and increasing energy.  They are life-changing-caliber, with clinical studies and amazing true testimonials to boot!  To learn more about them, email me at adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com.

Unique Last-Minute Christmas Gift Idea for...What Was His Name Again?: "The Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss"

For those wanting to tackle body change in '09 at your own pace, "The Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss" lays out the step-by-step approach I use with my clients to maximize their fat loss and weight loss in the shortest time possible. 

"The Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss" comes back from the editors on December 29th, just before New Year!  To get an introductory price, send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sydney Australia) to work with you.

What Do I Get My Husband/Wife for Hanukkah?

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Chimes in on Unique Gift Ideas for Last Minute Holiday Shoppers

It is just a few days before Hanukkah.  Most of us are trading elbows with crazed Christmas shoppers as we scamper for last-minute deals, while few of us land the creative and unique gift that best suits our spouse.  Here are a few last-minute ideas that could qualify as "the best gift ever!"  Please keep in mind that I'm a fitness guy, so each suggestion in this blog will have a fitness/nutrition connection.

Unique Last-Minute Hanukkah Gift Idea for Couples: Destination Body Sculpt Boot Camp

It's 9am.  You and your spouse are on the beach smelling the ocean air, feeling the soft sand underneath your feet, and working on losing 10 lbs. in seven days.  Thanks to a destination body sculpt boot camp, you are eating wonderful meals, enjoying the sand and sun, and feeling the best you have felt in a long, long time.  Where can you sign up for a destination body sculpt boot camp? www.keepyourbetterhalf.com

Maybe you want to shed fat while you hit the slopes.  Perhaps you want to visit Australia or the Bahamas.  Wherever you want your body change and your spouse's body change to take place, send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com to start a dialogue about leaving for vacation wearing one size of pants and coming home in a smaller size.

Unique Last-Minute Hanukkah Gift Idea for Him: Kettlebells and Training DVD

If your man is looking to shed some weight, find his lost energy, and burn calories like he never has before, picking up some kettlebells will do the trick.  Kettlebells are like cannon balls with a handle.  They originated in Russia, and are gaining traction in America as an amazing way to change your body. 

While you can buy kettlebells anywhere (and better to buy a 25 lb KB at a sports store instead of buying it online and paying a boatload for shipping),  you must stop by www.dragondoor.com to find the very best in kettlebell training DVDs.  You will need them.  If you want some help on getting kettlebells, send me an email (adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com).  I would be glad to help.

Unique Last-Minute Hanukkah Gift Idea for Her: Leg Magic

Every once in awhile I get to sample a fitness machine.  Two weeks ago I tried Leg Magic...and it is awesome!  Leg Magic works inner thighs, hips, and butt.  It hits many trouble spots for women.  Go to www.buylegmagic.com to check it out.

NOTE: Before letting your wife open this gift, have her open a new pair of jeans that is two sizes too small for her....then have her open the Leg Magic.  Instead of her asking, "Do you think I'm fat?", she will be saying "I can't wait to fit into these?" :)

Unique Last-Minute Hanukkah Gift Idea for the Health-Deprived: Lower Cholesterol, Lower Blood Pressure, Increased Energy

There are a handful of supplements that are highly effective in lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and increasing energy.  They are life-changing-caliber, with clinical studies and amazing true testimonials to boot!  To learn more about them, email me at adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com.

Unique Last-Minute Hanukkah Gift Idea for...What Was His Name Again?: "The Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss"

For those wanting to tackle body change in '09, "The Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss" lays out the step-by-step approach I use with my clients to maximize their fat loss and weight loss in the shortest time possible. 

"The Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss" comes back from the editors on December 29th, just before New Year!  To get an introductory price, send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sydney Australia) to work with you.

A Personal Trainer's Christmas Wishes

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Wants to Train Athletes, Overweight, and Health-Deprived in '09

As Christmas nears, I think about all the things I would like to see under the tree.  Perhaps you have some special items that you desire as well (NOTE: if you want me to write a blog about something in particular for you...kettlebells, cardio, alkaline foods, burning more calories in less time, etc....please send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com and I will try to accomodate you).

I'll promise to leave Santa some low-glycemid index cookies with goat milk or almond milk if he promises to leave these things under the tree...

Personal Trainer Christmas Wish #1: A 250+ lbs. Entrepreneur

I would love to work with a person in 2009 that has put everything into their business at the cost of their body.  I would love to tackle their lifestyle one piece at a time and build it in a way that makes sense for their line of work and for their health.  I would like to help them lose 30 lbs. quickly, lower cholesterol and blood pressure numbers, and get their body on track to becoming a lean 200 lbs.

Personal Trainer Christmas Wish #2: An Athlete with College Sports Aspirations

I want to help an athlete crack the college ranks in 2009.  By training explosive movements, implementing the right foods and supplements (and helping them stay clear of things that will harm their body forever like steroids), and addressing neglected essentials like hips and stabilizing muscles/tendons, I would really enjoy taking an athlete from a college long-shot to a first-team player.

Personal Trainer Christmas Wish #3: A Mom Who Can't Keep Up with Her Kids

I want to work with a mom who gets tired after walking up a flight of stairs.  I want to work with a mom who wants to chase her young children around but just can't keep up.  I want to help that mom rebuild her day so that she gets the time she needs so others can get her best as well.  I want to help her transform from overwhelmed to in control, from over-eating to focused and nourished, and from self-conscious to clearly confident. 

Personal Trainer Christmas Wish #4: Someone Whose Health is on the Rocks

There is someone out there who is facing serious challenges with diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, joint problems, sleep problems, food addictions, and bone problems.  THAT is the person I want to help save in 2009!  I want to work with them and bring them along in their health journey.  I want to help them lose 100 lbs!  I want their progress to be so significant that they feel empowered and encourage others by their progress.  I want to bring their health insurance costs down.  I want to help someone add years to their life AND life to their years. 

Personal Trainer Christmas Wish #5:  Expanded Influence in 2009

Last year I wanted to help more people in Minneapolis get their health back.  2008 was a very successful year.  In 2009, I want my upcoming ebook "The Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss" to work its way into the lives of 50,000 people (not just 50,000 readers, but 50,000 successful implementers!), I want to work with leaders who can set an example of health and body change that inspires their team!  I want to reach people who will reach others!  I want my circle of influence to be expanded.  If you have a following (a pastor, a radio talk show host, a company with employees), I want to start with you and then work in your organization to help improve the lives of those around you.  I want health insurance costs to go do, energy and production to go up, and lives to be improved!

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sydney Australia) to work with you.

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Addresses Weight-Loss Plateaus

The Five Questions You Should Ask Yourself When Fat and Weight Loss Get Stuck

About 1/3 of my personal training clients are those who had early weight-loss success and then got stuck.  When I work with these people, here are five questions I ask them as we get going...

Weight-Loss Plateau Question #1: How long has it been since you did a cleanse?

If your car was sluggish and not performing very well, you would probably check to see the timing of the last tune-up.  Likewise, your body struggles to perform well and burn fat fuel if it hasn't had a tune up in awhile.  Getting rid of impurities and toxin via a cleanse is a great way to shake lose of a weight-loss plateau.

Your body stores acidic toxins in your fat cells.  If the environment in your body is too toxic to allow fat cells to release acidic toxins into the bloodstream, your body's natural survivalistic function will not allow fat to be burned.  A cleanse, especially one focused on alkaline foods and drinks, can serve as a tune-up for the body and help it to eliminate toxins and burn fat cells more effectively.

Weight-Loss Plateau Question #2:  When was the last time you swung a kettlebell?

Kettlebell workouts are great for fat loss.  They are a different breed...a different brand of workout.  The body needs workout variety to continue to improve.  When was the last time you turned your workouts upside down and did something completely different, like kettlebells?

Weight-Loss Plateau Question #3:  How much water do you REALLY drink every day?

Fat cells need to be well-hydrated to burn effectively.  I have weight-loss-plateau clients measure their water carefully.  It is amazing how little water we drink...and it makes up 70% of our body!  Drinking more water fixes a lot of problems associated with weight loss.

Weight-Loss Plateau Question #4: How much fiber and protein do you consume in a day?

Most people have very little idea how much protein they consume in a day, and absolutely no idea how much fiber they consume in a day.  Fiber and protein have one thing in common: they help the body achieve satisfaction from hunger.  Fiber also escorts toxins out of the body and assists in colon function.  Protein helps repair and build muscle cells (and muscle cells burn 70% more calories than fat cells).    It is important to consume one gram of protein per pound that you want to weigh (eat like you want to be!) and 20-30 grams of fiber per day.

Weight-Loss Plateau Question #5: Is your cardio optimizing fat-burning mechanisms in the body?

When I ask this question I get a blank stare.  Most people don't know how cardio burns fat.  To maximize fat-based weight loss in your cardio workout, make sure to read my others blogs on fat loss to learn about the secret cardio formula that is the world's proven best fat-burning cardio interval.

Do You Have a Question for Adam the In-Home Personal Trainer and Weight-Loss Boot Camp Extraordinairre?

If you have a question about working out, losing weight, my boot camp program (www.keepyourbetterhalf.com), or nutrition, feel free to go to my website and hit the CONTACT button. :)

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sydney Australia) to work with you.

Minneapolis Personal Trainer on Bad Feet, Bad Knees, and Bad Backs!

Three "Outside the Box" Options When You Have Had it With Your Joints


2009 UPDATE!!!

Before you read this blog, there are two things you need to know:

1) Open enrollment has begun for the Virtual Boot Camp: Total Body Makeover!   Get 28 days of perfect nutrition and exercise (complete with a grocery list, access to videos, and more!) for only $100 (NOTE: This is the very package I charge thousands for...the only thing you are missing is my physical presence!).  Enrollment ends on January 10th, so click to http://keepyourbetterhalf.com/virtualbootcamp.html now!

2) If you would like the free report "The 27 Factors Affecting Fat Loss and Weight Loss", send me an email and I'll get the report to you!

Now, back to the blog...

As a personal trainer in the Twin Cities, I've seen my fair share of long-suffering clients walk through the door with worn out and torn up joints.  From "football knees" to ineffective reconstructive foot surgery to bad backs, I have been fortunate to share some secrets with clients and watched as their out-of-whack body part became healthy.  Here are three of my favorite suggestions to people suffering from joint pain.

Personal Trainer "Bad Feet, Bad Knees, Bad Back" Suggestion #1: Z-Coil Footwear

Many people I talk to have seen Z-Coils...they have a unique look to them...and they are highly effective footwear.  The coil/spring on the heel of the foot cushions each step, so much so that it cuts the impact in half on your feet, knees, and back.  To your joints, it feels like you instantly lost half your body weight. 

A current client of mine was in a major car accident and had three reconstructive surgeries on her foot.  She's hobbled around in a velcro boot for the last two years!  Her unusual foot shape (an unpleasant by-product of her surgeries) has not allowed her to wear shoes since her accident.  I took her to Sprongs in Minneapolis (go to zcoil.com to find the dealer closest to you) and my client was fitted with a pair of Z-Coils.  Three weeks later she is walking all over the place, even up flights of stairs, which she has not done for over two years!  I have many Z-Coil stories like that. 

If your back, knees, or feet hurt a lot, start by taking care of your feet.  It's always good to start from the ground up!

Personal Trainer "Bad Feet, Bad Knees, Bad Back" Suggestion #2: Replenex!

I have tried a lot of products to soothe joints.  Some have been highly effective, some have been cost effective.  Replenex is the only product I have found that is highly effective and cost effective. 

A football buddy of mine had surgery on his torn ACL a few years back.  Every time we played football, he had to load up on ibuprofen before and after, along with lots of ice afterward...and he still felt pain!  Then I came upon a product called Replenex, with has glucosamine hydochloride, bromelain, ginger root extract, and green tea extract.  I gave Tony a bottle to try and he no longer has any knee pain at all.  It's been three months and he is completely pain free.  No more ibuprofen, no more ice, no more pain....and he still plays football!  All this for around $12 a month!

If you would like to know how to get your hands on some, email me (adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com) and I would be glad to help!  Whatever you do, stay away from discount stores for your joint needs.  Replenex may be cost effective, but it is a specialty product...which is why you can't find it everywhere.

Personal Trainer "Bad Feet, Bad Knees, Bad Back" Suggestion #3: A Trusty Chiroprator

Some chiropractors are very, very good.  Carpal tunnel, migraines, ADHD...the good ones can fix even the most difficult of nervous system issues.  If you are in the Twin Cities, you need to get in touch with Dr. Mark Schulz.  His mobile chiropratic care is phenomenal.  Check him out at www.tpmihealthcare.com. In other metro locations, go to bni.com to find a local chiropractor who is well-respected in your community.

If your joints are beat up, it is high time to address the pain.  The longer you wait, the more your body is forced to compensate, and the more beat up you will become.  Explore these three suggestions to help alleviate your achy joints.

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sidney Australia) to work with you.






Minneapolis Personal Trainer Advises: Do a Cleanse Now!

Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Prepare Your Body for Christmas and New Years!

So you just had amonster Thanksgiving.  You were already overweight, and you just added a few pounds.  With holiday treats surrounding you, more weight is almost a certainty by Christmas.  And don't even think about the impact New Year's will have on your body.

The calendar can make the calories pretty cruel this time of year.  The best way to fight back is to do a cleanse now.  Doing a cleanse now has three major benefits:

Cleanse Benefit #1: Lose Weight Now

Cleanse Benefit #2: Repair Your Body Before You Send it Through Holiday Season

Cleanse Benefit #3: Boost Your Immune System, Be More Energetic, and Change Your Cravings

Part of my job as a personal trainer is to lead my clients through the nutrition and supplemental steps to maximize their success.  I'm leading a few of my clients through a cleanse right now.  If I were training you (if you are serious about body change in '09, go to keepyourbetterhalf.com and read about what I do, then email me! I'd love to answer your questions and talk about how I may be able to help you change the direction of your health and your life!), this is what I'd have you do.

Personal Trainer Cleanse Tip #1: Get the Cleanse that Addresses Your Biggest Need

Some people may be experiencing significant digestive issues (daily upset stomach, bad bowel movements, or no bowel movements!).  If that is you, a colon cleanse or digestive tract cleanse may be right for you.  Getting rid of the excess in your system and cleaning it out will help to repair the entire system.  There are several great colon cleanses.  If you'd like help picking one, I'd be glad to help!

If you are super low on energy and constantly getting sick, going after impurities in the blood is your best bet.  There are many cleanses that touch up on everything, and these tend to help out the blood the most.  The Complete Body Cleanse at GNC is a good one for those of you with energy issues (or those of you who have been eating clean).

Some of you may have celebrated Halloween until Thanksgiving started, and now have an early jump on New Years.  If alcohol is your go-to beverage, a liver cleanse is probably overdue.  There are a few really good ones out there.  If you'd like help picking one out, send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com.  Whatever you do, pick a cleanse to fit your biggest need.

Personal Trainer Cleanse Tip #2: Drink Water Only

You cannot imagine the difference it would make if you did a cleanse and drank only water during that time.  No beer, no soda, no juice.  Just water.  Your body would feel so incredibly good!  Water is the ticket to a successful cleanse.  Be sure to buy filtered water, processed by reverse osmosis if possible (the label will tell you what type of processing was used).

Personal Trainer Cleanse Tip #3: Eat Clean

This is probably common sense (as is #2), but the benefits cannot be overstated.  If you took out processed foods, sugar, yeast, and dairy while you cleansed your body would feel ten years younger by the end of your cleanse.  Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meats from the deli, and maybe an occassional grain (like long grain or brown rice) will help keep unnecessary toxins from entering your body as you cleanse.

If you decide to do a cleanse now (and asked me for help... adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com), you will be amazed at how good you will feel at the end of your cleanse journey!  Do a cleanse now!  Prepare your body for the holiday treats and a tremendous '09.

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sidney Australia) to work with you.

Boot Camp Success: Tough Workouts, Lose Fat, and Lose Weight

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Brings Best Out of Boot Camp Clients

Personal trainer Adam Erwin might be in Wayzata at daybreak, in Eden Prairie by 10am, Edina at noon, Minnetonka by 3pm, and in his office at night to walk through the next day's plan for his clients.  In addition to spear-heading vigorous workouts for his boot camp clients, he also emails them their daily menu and exercise plan, delivers accountability (sending text messages, emails, and phone calls to his clients throughout the day to make sure the details of each plan are being followed), and walks with his clients through their body change success journey.

One mother of two is down 10% on her body fat test.  A musician is sporting a notch on his belt he hasn't touched in three years.  And a 52 year-old woman who hasn't worn a pair of shoes in over two years (thanks to a car accident and several reconstructive surgeries) is now walking normally up and down stairs in her brand new shoes!

Boot camp might mean weight loss for some clients or "get my life back" for others.  To this personal trainer, it's all about helping his clients live the perfect nutrition and exercise day for as many days as he is hired.

Boot Camp Success: Tough Workouts

When working through one of Adam's boot camps, you may find yourself chopping wood one day, running hill intervals the next day, or swinging kettle bells the day after that.  Few trainers can get the body to respond to a workout like Adam.  If your body is stuck and the same old routine isn't doing the trick, sending an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com should be your next move.

Boot Camp Success: Lose Fat

Many boot camps focus on burning calories at any cost, with little attention to what type of calories are being burned.  Adam is a fat loss expert, one of the few personal trainers who studies how to help the body burn fat through exercise and proper nutrition.  If wearing a heart monitor is your idea of losing fat (or your trainer's idea, yikes!), it's time to send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about how he can help you burn more fat in less time.

Boot Camp Success: Lose Weight

Few things are more exciting than hopping on the scale to see a lower number or looking in the mirror to see less chins.  When nutrition and exercise are built in a way to maximize your day (and then your perfect day is executed for a few weeks in a row), the response from your body can be extraordinary.  If losing weight is the goal of this holiday season, send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com now!

Stop Drinking Soda Now!

Adam the In-Home Personal Trainer is Tired of Soda Killing Metabolism, Making People Fat, and De-railing Body Composition Progress

2009 UPDATE!!!Before you read this blog, there are two things you need to know:1) Open enrollment has begun for the Virtual Boot Camp: Total Body Makeover!   Get 28 days of perfect nutrition and exercise (complete with a grocery list, access to videos, and more!) for only $100 (NOTE: This is the very package I charge thousands for...the only thing you are missing is my physical presence!).  Enrollment ends on January 10th, so click to http://keepyourbetterhalf.com/virtualbootcamp.html now!2) If you would like the free report "The 27 Factors Affecting Fat Loss and Weight Loss", send me an email and I'll get the report to you!Now, back to the blog...

Minneapolis is not the place to be right now if you are a soda drinker.  Adam the in-home personal trainer is going to war with weight-conscious folks who are drinking soda.  Here is another run-through and what soda does to you and why we must cut it out of the game plan when weight loss and fat loss are the goal!

Two quick things before we get to the main course:

1)  If you like today’s blog, pass it on to your weight-loss minded friend, family member, or colleague.


2) If you like today’s blog, email Adam (adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com) and ask about his “Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss” that will hit cyberspace next week.

Stop Drinking Soda Now! Reason #1: Diet Soda Kills Your Metabolism

I've blogged on this before, but it is worth restating: the artificial sweeteners in diet soda confuse your metabolic response to real sugars.  Artificial sweeteners teach your body to not respond metabolically to sweet tastes (be it artificial or real sugar).  So when you consume real sugar, your body learns to simply store it as fat instead of burning it off like it is originally trained to do.  If you can't metabolize sugar effectively, it is virtualy impossible to lose fat and lose weight for the long haul.

Stop Drinking Soda Now! Reason #2: The Amount of Sugars in Non-Diet Soda Is Fat in Waiting

Have you ever drank a 12 oz. can of lard before?  Soda is very close to that.  Pepsi, Coke, and others have 39 grams of sugar per can or more.  It is like putting 9 full tablespoons of sugar into a can of soda.  Yikes!  Your body cannot possibly burn off all that sugar when you consume it, so it gets stored as fat.  You are drinking lard!

Stop Drinking Soda Now! Reason #3: Soda Dehydrates, and Fat Cells Need Hydration

Dehydrated fat cells do not burn well.  Well-hydrated fat cells burn much more effectively!  Anytime you drink coffee or soda or something with caffeine in it, you are doing two things worth re-considering:  1) wasting a chance to hydrate yourself and provide nutrients your body needs.  2) dehyrating your body and robbing fat cells from water they need to effectively be burned off.

Stop Drinking Soda Now! Reason #4: The Toxins in Soda Attack Your Body

We all know that artificial sweeteners attack the nervous system.  What about all the coloring, flavoring, and carbonation in a soda?  Those ingredients attack your body as well.  Your blood stream turns more acidic by drinking soda (and don't get me started on that!), carbonation eats away at lung capacity, and the extra toxins like coloring have no good use in your body.  Every single time we consume soda, we are placing our body under extreme attack!!!  Let the madness cease!

Stop Drinking Soda Now! Summary

We are 70% water, and drinking soda instead of water is like stealing mass amounts of water out of a lake instead of putting water in.  There are few things that are worse to drink than soda (maybe alchohol).  Every single time we consume a beverage, we have an opportunity to improve or deteriorate our health.  Soda has no nutritional value at all, and plays a significant role in worsening our health.  One of the best things we can do to improve our fat loss and weight loss potential is to eliminate soda from the mix!

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sidney Australia) to work with you.
Personal Trainer Offers Shopping Deal: "Lose Weight on Black Friday!"

Build Black Friday to Capitilize on Thanksgiving Calories Says Minneapolis-Based Personal Trainer

This is the day that people will fall over each other, run like crazy, and even bite someone's ankle to get the early morning deal at the department store.  If Thankgiving is all about consumption, Black Friday is all about consumers.  It's all about the door-busting deals!

Well...have I got a deal for you?!  What if I told you that you could use the consumption from Thanksgiving and turn it into weight loss on Black Friday?  Heckuva deal, right? Most of us scared our metabolism yesterday will way too many calories.  Now that our metabolism is in full gear, let's captilize on it!  Make sure to include some of these weight loss tips for your Black Friday.

Lose Weight on Black Friday Tip #1: Shop!

Battle the crowds, run up and down store aisles, and be on your feet all day.  Burn lots of calories.  Shopping is a great way to burn calories...as long as you behave with your foods.  We need a sweat band in aisle 9! 

Lose Weight on Black Friday Tip #2: Don't Eat Anything You Ate Yesterday

Black Friday is a day to abandon the left overs.  Save them for Saturday (and then feast again!).  Today, lay low with your calories, and eat healthy.  Instead of doing fast food and mall food while you shop, bring an orange or other fruit.  Drink water.  Stay away from starches like mashed potatoes and breads.  Seriously, give the left overs a day of rest and eat a lot healthier than you did yesterday. 

Lose Weight on Black Friday Tip #3: Go to the Gym Before Your Big Meal of the Day

I can see it now, frazzled and shopped-out ladies all over the country will crawl to the dinner table to devour anything they see.  Don't do it!  Before you eat your largest meal of the day, lift weights.  Not cardio, weights.  It can be a 20-minute weight-training session, but get it in before your largest meal of the deal.  It will help your metabolism to conquer those calories and not leave your body stressed out!

Lose Weight on Black Friday Tip #4: Consume Fiber

Black Friday is the busiest day of the year for plumbers.  To celebrate that, it would be a good idea to consume a fiber drink, some fiber pills (we're talking psyillium seek husk, people!), or some leafy green fiber.  We don't want Thanksgiving to sit inside us forever.  The best way to do that is to put some fiber into the mix and help your body get back to normal.

Lose Weight on Black Friday Tip #5: Try Papaya

I would imagine that several digestive issues, like heartburn, will pop up Thursday, Friday, and the rest of the holiday weekend.  Why?  Our digestive system gets overwhelmed and our digestive enzymes and bacteria (the things in charge of breaking down foods in our system) are under-staffed.

To fix heartburn and other maladies, go to your local GNC and buy some digestive enzymes and also the chewable papaya enzyme.  Take the papaya with you wherever you go and chew a few after each meal this weekend.  Take the digestive enzymes as directed.  You will be amazed how heartburn and other digestive issues get resolved when you take in digestive enzymes. 

As for the bacteria you will need, try some acidolpholus (at least 2 billion CFU's...colony forming units...the official measurement of bacteria everywhere) or eat some morning yogurt.  That should do the trick.

In Closing

Try to work the ideas above into your Black Friday mix and you will have been successful in weight loss today.  For Saturday, follow the Thanksgiving blog ideas!

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sidney Australia) to work with you.

Thanksgiving Success for Weight-Loss Minded

Minneapolis Personal Trainer Sets Up Thanksgiving So You Can Succeed With It, Not Just Survive It!

I love Thanksgiving.  I love the entire holiday season.  Were it not for the 6 lbs .that the average American gains during the holidays, I wouldn't have as much job security. :)  Since I want to work myself out of a personal training career, I will share with you how to make Thanksgiving a success.

Two quick things before we get to the main course:

1)  If you like today's blog, pass it on to your weight-loss minded friend, family member, or colleague.

2) If you like today's blog, email Adam (adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com) and ask about his "Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss" that will hit cyberspace next week. :)

Thanksgiving Success Weight-Loss Tip #1: Go Light on Wednesday

You are about to give your body the feast of the year on Thursday, so don't go to town on Wednesday.  Shoot for 1200-1500 calories on Wednesday, and don't eat anything after 8pm.  Drink 64 oz of water today as well!

Thanksgiving Success Weight-Loss Tip #2: Exercise 2 hours before mealtime

On the big day, give yourself a big workout 2 hours before mealtime.  Easier said than done, right?  Well, let the turkey cook, sneak to the bedroom or basement and do all the squats, push ups, bicep curls, tricep dips on the staircase, of full-blown weight training you can do.  Don't do cardio (unless that is your only option), pump iron!  And hard!  This will stimulate your metabolism and get your body ready for the big meal.

Thanksgiving Success Weight-Loss Tip #3: Enjoy the best meal of the year

Go for it.  Whether or not you deserve it, go ahead and eat like a normal American on Thanksgiving.  Don't kill yourself, but certainly enjoy.

Thanksgiving Success Weight-Loss Tip #4: Eat Your Left-Overs by 7pm

Most people have "the meal" in the afternoon.  That's fine.  Prepare your palet for the double-dose around 7pm.  If we are going to go nuts on calories, it's best not to put too many calories in the system late at night.  Start "left-over dinner" around 7pm.

Thanksgiving Success Weight-Loss Tip #5: Drink 64 oz of Water on Turkey Day

It's a must!  With all the toxins and garbage going into your body, make sure water is present enough to flush them out.  Throughout the course of the day, drink water.  I like to have a 64 oz container with me to make sure I down the right amount.  If you do water well on Thanksgiving, you will set your body up for a successful toxin flush out on Friday (note: the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for plumbers.  Drink water so your body can flush toxins more easily, which will help keep the plumber away!).

Two quick things before you go:1)  If you liked today's blog, pass it on to your weight-loss minded friend, family member, or colleague.


2) If you liked today's blog, email Adam (adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com) and ask about his "Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss" that will hit cyberspace next week. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sidney Australia) to work with you.


Ab Workout and Mid-Section Weight Loss Secrets

Minneapolis Personal Trainer on Losing The Weight (Fat) Around the Middle and Getting Nice Abs!

I was at a family function today, talking to a family friend about weight loss and ab work.  Jim, our friend, was frustrated because he had been trying to lose weight around the middle and had worked really hard but wasn't seeing the results he thought he would be seeing.

Most people work really hard on their belly fat and don't see results because...

Ab Workout and Weight Loss Secret #1: If your hormones aren't right, your belly fat isn't going anywhere!

Stress and belly fat are closely linked.  When people are stressed, they produce extra cortisol, which is a hormone that prevents belly fat from being easy to burn off.  When we don't get good sleep (between the primetime hours of 11pm and 4am) and don't fight off stress (working out, breathing exercises, slowing down), our stress hormones will be in high gear and the belly fat won't be going anywhere.  To help the belly fat go away, attack stress by getting better sleep and fitting exercise into your day.  Fighting stress is huge for attacking belly fat!

Ab Workout and Mid-Section Weight Loss Secret #2: Sequence is everything!

If you were handed six numbers (239402) and were told to unlock a combination, it would be very difficult to unlock it unless you knew the correct sequence of the numbers (34, 29, 02, etc.).  If you are trying to work out your abs and lose weight but don't know how to sequence your efforts, it would be difficult to unlock belly fat loss.

When people hire me to train them and help them lose fat around their midsection, we don't really address that work until we have established a nice improvement in body composition.  If you focus on improving your muscle/fat ratio, your ability to burn calories will be significantly increased.  If you focus on ab workouts and weight loss around the middle after you have more calorie-burning potential, it's a lot easier to get your ab work done successfully.  Sequence is everything.  Body composition groundwork first, abs focus later.

Ab Workout and Mid-section Weight Loss Secret #3: Make Water Your Focus!

A well-hydrated fat cell will burn much more easily than a poorly hydrated fat cell.  With that in mind, be sure to focus on drinking a large amount of water (1/2 your body weight in ounces of water) every single day.  The more water available to the body, the less water it will retain.  And, the more water present in the body, the better chance of burning off fat cells!

If you hungry for more information like this, email Adam at adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com and ask about the forthcoming "Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss".

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sidney Australia) to work with you.

Weight-Loss Motiviation by a Minneapolis-based Personal Trainer

Three Key Truths to Help You Stay on Track, Lose the Fat, and Lose the Weight

Body change is hard.  Weight loss is hard.  Doing the little things that add up to the big results is hard!  If it were easy, no one would be fat!

As an in-home personal trainer, I spend a lot of time helping my clients stay motivated.  Here are three ideas I share most often with my future weight-loss phenoms.  And by the way, to learn more about what I do and how to get a ridiculous discount on my upcoming project "The Little Ebook on Fat Loss and Weight Loss", send an email to adam@keepyourbetterhalf.com.

Weight-Loss Motivational Truth #1: Saying No Makes You Stronger!

Remember the last time you said no to the overweight co-worker when she offered you cake.  Remember how it hurt to suffer through watching others eat cake...then an hour later you felt really proud of yourself?  Remember that?  That feeling of pride is a result of empowerment.  A moment came for weakness to overtake you and you got strong!  Each time you say no, saying no gets easier.  It's like lifting weights.  Very difficult at first because not much muscle exists, but over time it gets easier.

Some people are worried about offending the person offering them the chance to be weak.  Don't worry about offending the fat.  Be offended that they want you to chew on your daily dues.  You will only have to tell each person the following line ONE TIME and they will be slow to offer you goodies in the future: "No thanks.  I decided I need to treat myself better, so I'm sticking to foods that make me feel good about me."

People HATE being rejected.   Saying no to them once, and alerting them that no is in their future tends to thwart the efforts of those trying to keep you fat.

Weight-Loss Motivational Truth #2: Failing to Plan Results in Failure

Too often I hear this story: food plans are going great, exercise is going well, until that ONE DAY when we wake up late, have to run out the door, and we end up grabbing whatever food comes our way because we are starving, too busy to think about food at work, and then get stuck at a dinner meeeting where all the options are love handles waiting to happen.  Where was the protein shake fairy when you needed her?  This is a killer day that needs to be avoided!

Planning is everything!  Always make your snacks and lunch the night before.  Always go through your day and your foods the night before.  Seriously, it takes five minutes.  Go ahead, take some time for you, and set yourself up for success.  You are worth it! 

The one day that you don't plan your stuff ahead of time will end up being the one day when everything comes crashing down on you.  Murphy's Law will kick in.  The boss will be extra demanding on your "I didn't plan ahead" day.  The kids will make a mess in the car while you are driving.  Your protein shake will fall over and spill everywhere when you won't think you have time to make/buy another one.

And your momentum and spirit will be crushed.  Give yourself the gift of 5 minutes every night just to set up success for the following day.  Weight loss and body change are not accidents.  They require careful planning!  Plan your way into your new body!

Weight-Loss Motivational Truth #3: Keeping Your Eye on the Prize is the Best Way to Get the Prize!

Is it the pair of jeans you haven't fit into in six years?  Hang them up in the kitchen!  Is it the event where you will see your newly exed-spouse?  Put their picture on your bathroom mirror!  Is it the in-laws who say you will never lose the weight (which, by the way, aren't they fat too?)?  Quote their prognostications on an index card and look at it every day. 

Whether you want to fit into different clothes, draw the attention of a past flame (or potential flame!), or put some negativity to rest from the naysayers, be sure to revisit your "why" every single day.  When you can connect to the positive emotions body change will bring and anchor them into your system, saying yes to the gym and saying no to the cake get a lot easier to say!  By reminding yourself why it's important to do the right thing each day, you are more likely to do the right thing and get your body where it needs to be!  Keep your eye on the prize!

Adam Erwin is an in-home personal trainer who travels the world to work with people who are ready to put excuses aside and work hard to change their body.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about what Adam does, who he works with, and how you can have him come and work with you!  A Minneapolis resident, Adam will work close to home (Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Minnetonka, Edina) or will travel to your location (San Diego, Miami, Phoenx, Sidney Australia) to work with you.

Weight Loss and Fitness Success Stories

Minneapolis and St. Paul Weight Loss and Fitness Extraordinaires Give Praise to their Personal Trainer

The past two weeks have been loaded with testimonials and success stories.  I love getting feedback about the results people are getting from my work with them.  Here is a quick sample of success stories from the past two weeks...

11/18/08-I had to fasten my belt with a belt hole I haven't used in over 3 years!  I'm so pumped!  --Joe, 28 years old, Champlin, MN

11/18/08-Chris' basketball coach says that Chris is the best defender we have, and wishes he had 9 other players just like Chris on his team.  -Proud mom Carol of son Chris, age 11, Eden Prairie, MN

11/17/08-I can't believe I am down 10% body fat!  Amazing!!!-Shanna (Joe's wife!), 30 years old, Champlin, MN

11/15/08-This has been the best month of my life.  My strength, confidence, and build are beyond what I could have expected in six weeks.  You kicked my butt every single session! Now I have to wear a belt with all of my pants...and none of them needed a belt before we started.   Ray, 32 years old, Maple Grove, MN

11/13/08-I have never been able to climb on the monkey bars before, until last week.  How amazing is that??? Josiah, 14 years old, Plymouth, MN (however you can measure progress, righ?)

11/08/08-My husband noticed my body for the first time in our three years of marriage. I can walk better, I am sleeping better, my leg cramps have disappeared, and my daughters are inspired to workout too! -Karen, St. Paul, MN

If you live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and are looking to get more out of your workouts and nutrition, visit keepmybetterhalf.com or shoot an email to adam@keepmybetterhalf.com.

Adam Erwin is a personal trainer (with a nutrition background) who travels the world working with people who want to experience fat loss and weight loss in record-time. He currently resides in Minneapolis, MN and loves to train with people whose health does not match their lifestyle. Adam works closely in the Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Excelsior, Minnetonka, and Edina communities.  Visit www.keepyourbetterhalf.com to learn more about his work.